Tuesday, December 9, 2008


When I think about music, I can't help but think about it's influence on my life. How often have you been driving in your car and that favorite song hits the airwaves? Did it change your thoughts of the moment? Did it cheer you up, make you smile, make you sad, no matter what emotion you felt, you felt something didn't you?

As long as I can remember music has been a part of my life. I can recall songs that my teacher used to play in second grade. Most of those were little story type songs to teach a lifes lesson or some such thing. Still it would be something that the class would look forward to, because it was a diversion from the daily routine of the three R's. It altered or enhanced our moods and gave us a new attitude as the day moved on.

Click Here!
Later in life, when I reached high school, music really began to play a major role in my life. I had several friends that I would swap albums with and we would listen and critique what each other was listening to. I found it opened my eyes to not only a lot of new music, but also to new friendships through shared thoughts. I was finding out that people I had known for years had a lot more to share than I would have ever guessed. In fact, as we began to share our music, we also began to share our hopes and dreams. I was making new friends through music. In many cases I became friends with people that I had never thought I would have anything in common with. The music opened the lines of communication and what I found out was that as I began to open up to new musical styles I opened up to new ideas of all kinds.

I'd love to hear from readers about their thoughts and feelings on music and what part it plays in their life.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Today's Music vs. Music of the 60s,70s,80s & 90s

I have mixed feelings regarding the music and bands of today. Number 1, I do listen to a rock station everyday at work, so I'm familiar with a lot of what is being put out these days. Number 2, I will admit to liking an awful lot of what I'm hearing. And number 3, in spite of liking it, I'm not sold on the fact that many of the bands or their music will ever be considered classic or relevant in the future, at least in the same way as bands like Led Zep, The Stones, The Kinks, The Allman Brothers, Cream, Lynrd Skynrd, U2, The Beatles, etc.
Now don't get me wrong, there are some solid and talented bands out there, but I'm just not sure of their influence on future music and their staying power.
So, I'd love to hear from anyone and everyone about your thoughts and feelings about today's music and bands in relation to the classic ones.
Also who are your favorites, new or old?
What would you recommend I listen to that may change my opinion?
Share your thoughts and ideas with me and others.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

More diversions

Hey all, I'm back for a second go round. Been busy trying to get organized for the Holidays and all that good stuff. As the year winds down and our family looks back on another year I can't help but notice how I relate time and events to music.

I will usually hear a song sometime during the day that will bring back memories of a certain time in my life and often even specific events. I guess in many way music is like a live memory book that I don't have to read and that may just open up to any page in my life at any time.

The best part about music memories is that they are often mood changers and help divert our thoughts from hard times. At least they do for me.

I'd love to hear from anyone out there who has their own thoughts about music and its ability to alter attitudes and feelings.

While you're thinking about that and looking for a diversion why not try hitting our new web site "Hot House of Diversion" at http://www.diversions4u.com and find some of the sites we recommend for a little attitude adjustment.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Musical Diversions

Hey everybody, just got up and blogging here tonight. I'm new to this kind of thing but not to posting and sharing my opinion. So, that said I thought I might get started by sharing some of what I find interesting, entertaining, or just plain old fun.
One thing that I have found to be true with almost everyone I know is that they have some love of music. It seems to be a universal thing and now in the computer and digital age it is so much more accessible and diverse than ever before. Downloadable music, movies, and games can give instant gratification like never before. I recently came across a great site for any of those interests. Try this Click Here! and see what I mean.

I know when I was growing up in the late 60s and early 70s I would scan radio station after radio station to hear that favorite song. Man, what I would have given to have the kind of access to music that my kids do now. Wanna hear something now, get to the computer or your cell phone, punch in that web site and roll. In my day if you wanted instant music you bought the LP or 8 track or cassette and found a comfortable seat in your bedroom or next to a speaker in your buddies car. Instant back then meant the instant you could round up the money, make the drive to the record store, pick up the album, and get it home. My how things have changed.

Anyway, I will be posting now and then as I feel the urge. Maybe a little something about the new games and how they compare to pinball and Space Invaders.
